Scholarship Applications Are Now Open!​

Scholarship Fund

Available for Rutherford County Public High Schools & College Students

2025 Scholarships are now open



Funding Scholarships & Mentoring Program

6 PM Food & Drinks Included Prizes Too!

Tuesday, March 4
Cedar Glade Brews

$150: TEAMS OF 1-4
$200: TEAMS OF 5-6

2024 Scholarship Winners

Jazion Terrell

Rockvale High School

I plan to major in Criminal Justice at Austin Peay University for the Fall 2024 semester. As I anticipate my graduation, I am excited and look forward to what my future entails. High school has had many challenges, but I have grown so much personally and academically. One of the most difficult situations is regarding my mom. She has had 16 eye surgeries within 3 years. She lost her vision in her right eye and has limited vision in her left eye. As a result, I have had to take on additional responsibilities at home and help my mother and younger sister. It has been difficult to manage school, home, work, and sports at times, but I have found time to participate in many activities including football, archery, wrestling, working at Publix, church and being a member of the Sigma Beta Club of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. I want to give back, be a positive leader and help people. Receiving this scholarship will give me the opportunity to make my dream a reality. This scholarship will allow me to not have to focus so much on how I’m going to be able to afford college or how much debt I will have after but I can focus on the college experience as a whole. Learning, exploring and accomplishing my goals so I can make a difference in this world

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Alexander Hudson

Tennessee Tech University
Ever since my Junior year of high school, I have wanted to become a nuclear engineer. I mastered High School mathematics and pushed to become a top performing student desperately trying to make my way into engineering school. After struggling through the ACT and applying for college, I was admitted to Tennessee Tech University where I am currently studying electrical engineering for my bachelor’s degree to start my journey to becoming a nuclear engineerI intend to make the very best of this scholarship and put it towards my growth as a student and give back to the world
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Armani Harris

Austin Peay University
Montgomery County Public Library had to say about Armani. Armani started volunteering weekly and quickly became an asset to our library team. Some tasks she helped with include craft prep, dusting and organizing the shelves and other similar tasks. She quickly learned what is needed to complete each task and always went above and beyond in her duties. Her desire to serve her community through volunteer work and her positive attitude makes her stand out to fellow staff members and patrons. She maintains a smile on her face and is so considerate in how she presents herself. Her drive to assist in every task assigned to her without hesitation and her willingness to do her best is outstanding
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The mission of The Nicholas Foundation is to empower inspired youth with education and training to “Break Chains for Change.” Scholarships are funded by the generous donors of The Nicholas Foundation.


We encourage students to apply for help with tuition, books, laptops, organization fees.


We appreciate your partnership with us to change the lives of inspired youth in Murfreesboro. You donation will make a difference.


We would be honored to have you as a monthly sponsor of The Nicholas Foundation programs. Let's continue to support our youth for a brighter future.

Nicholas was the younger brother to my wife Nancy. Nicholas often regretted some of his life choices and came to a point in his life, where he was ready to make a change for the better.

Before he had a chance to make those changes, his life was cut short. Nicholas had lung cancer, but he didn’t know it until he went to the hospital complaining about chest pain and difficulty breathing. The night before he went on life support, we had a conversation about he and I meeting, talking and helping him with making those better choices. Not knowing that this would be my last time talking to him, we both agreed this would be a good thing.
About a week later Nicholas passed away quietly in the hospital with friends and family around him. 

wife and I made the decision to honor him by creating this organization in his name to do just that. In his name to help young educate and assist our youth that we can.

The Nicholas Foundation will stand in the gap as a ministry that will fill these voids while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our scholarships are designed to assist students with tuition, books, laptops, organization fees, and more.

We want to “Break Chains for Change” and help give our youth a different perspective on life by assisting them in education that will give them a different view of what success can be.

Michael Davis

Meet Our Founder

Michael created the Nicholas Foundation to bring excitement to young people in the areas of education and training.He's worked with the urban youth of Murfreesboro for over 20 years. During this time, he implemented several community programs such as the Lunch Buddy Program, Moving Forward Program (Single mother mentoring), Community Homework Help, summer basketball and flag football camps, summer educational camps, a youth community choir and a community center called "The Den".

Impacting Lives

Our passion is to help Murfreesboro Youth succeed in education and life.

We want to give a big thank you to Mike Castillo and Washtopia for their support to our scholarships fund.

Donating Partner

Past Scholarship Recipients